
Haitian-born Evangelist transported to Heaven via flames of fire.


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2021 Daily Planning And Appointment Notebook


What are the main causes of spiritual dryness?

  Why is Your Spiritual Life Recently Becoming Such an Uphill Task? Give it a thought: ✓  Why do you wake up with  little or no desire to read the Bible or pray ? ✓  Why do   you feel  so little energy for spiritual things  but still bubble with so much energy for other life activities? ✓  Why are you getting  tired of fellowship with the brethren ? ✓  Why are you experiencing  a diminution in your love and desire for God and His presence ? This book is the second in the  OVERCOMING SPIRITUAL DRYNESS   series . It takes a deep look into the major  causes of spiritual dryness  or the reasons for spiritual dryness.  In the first volume of  OVERCOMING SPIRITUAL DRYNESS ( The Nature of Spiritual Dryness ) , we were able to answer questions like, ✓  What is spiritual dryness? ✓  What does it mean to be spiritually dry? ✓  What is the purpose of spiritual dryness? ✓  Why does God allow spiritual dryness? ✓  What does the Bible say about spiritual dryness? The entire  OVERCOMING SPIRITUAL DRY

Learn how to stand out in 2021 with "WISDOM FOR DISTINCTION"



  You can make a great difference in the new year. You know, it is the years that make your life. Your p ast is made up of years past, and your future is made up of years to come. Who you are today is a product of what you’ve put in, what you’ve reaped, or what you’ve experienced in the years past. Who you will be tomorrow will depend to a large extent on what you do or experience today. What you mak e  of your year is important, it can add or subtract from your life. SEVEN WAYS TO MAKE YOUR YEAR COUNT is a book with time-tested truths that can help you make a great difference in the NEW YEAR. Find time to read it over and over and go ahead to make 2021 YOUR BLOCKBUSTER YEAR!!!


  WHEN WE TRAVAIL WE SHALL PREVAIL! Quite often, I hear someone say, “The Church is not what I came to meet some years ago.” Well, whatever the Church was, men made it, and whatever the Church is today, men make it. Men? Yes, men! The fire you saw the years past was brought about by some praying men. If the fire must fall again, there must be such praying men again. In Colossians 4:12 we read, “ Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. ” If the Church must 'stand perfect' in orderliness, holiness, power, and prosperity, there must also be some fervent-prayer-laboring Epaphrases. A story is related by T. Dewitt Talmage, of an outbreak of revival in a church because some men dared to travail in the secret place:   “In the winter of 1875 we were worshipping in the Brooklyn Academy of Music. We had great audiences but I was oppressed by the